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Good customer service is a high priority within Refresh Now Ltd and when our clients advise they are unhappy with any aspect of the service they have received, we do our best to take action to put it right – for example, we may offer an
apology, make a goodwill gesture or offer compensation.


Refresh Now are committed to continuous improvement. This document tells you what steps to take if you find yourself in this position and wish to draw a matter to our attention by making a complaint. This service is free to all our customers who will, nevertheless, still be treated with courtesy and respect as we also expect our employees to be likewise.

Step 1. Making a complaint (or checking progress of a complaint)

Please contact us by phone, email, or in writing and make a note of your reference number.

Phone: 02920 515002
Post: Refresh Now Ltd
          7 Caenweydd Close,

We treat all complaints seriously and guarantee a full investigation. If we are unable to fully investigate within 5 working
days, we will keep you informed of our progress and let you know when you can expect a response.

Step 2. If you are unhappy with our first response

You can ask for your complaint to be referred to the Office Manager, who will review your complaint, try to resolve any outstanding issues, and provide you with a further response within 7 working days. You can ask for the complaint to be referred to the Office Manager – or contact them by phone, email or post quoting your complaint reference number.

Phone: 02920 515002
Post: Carl Ford
          Refresh Now Ltd
          7 Caenewydd Close,
          South Glamorgan
          CF5 4TS

Step 3. If you are unhappy with our second response

If you are still not satisfied, or you think we may not have followed our complaints procedure correctly, you can ask for your complaint to be referred to the Director. How we have dealt with your complaint to this point will be reviewed and you will receive a response which explains our final position within 10 working days. Please contact us by phone, email or in writing using the address details provided in step 2.

Step 4. Review

If you are still not happy with how we have dealt with your complaint, or we have written to tell you we weren’t able to resolve it, you can get in touch via the ADR Scheme (Advance Dispute Resolution), with the Ombudsman. They will be able to tell you what your rights are and what you can do to settle your complaint (including any costs that may be incurred). They will also expect you to have followed our complaints procedure first.

You can contact the Ombudsman via the following channels: -
Post: Ombudsman Services: Energy, P.O. Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
Phone: 0330 440 1624

Additional Information

  • It would be helpful if you could provide us with any additional information to deal with your complaint (such as reference numbers) so that we can action it more quickly

  • So that we can make improvements, we use the information gathered from complaints to identify any failures in the service we provide.

For additional information please refer to the full version of the Code of Practice. A copy of which can be found

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