Energy and utilities can be a time consuming and costly to manage if left unsupported. Today’s business world creates greater demand to stay on top of the ever-changing economy with increases and decreases that effect your bottom line. When property is one of the key factors that has an effect on your turn over it is imperative that you are making the best decisions with the best team around you.
At Refresh Now we have some of the most experience Energy Brokers in the market and believe that communication and long-term relationships are key, we advise and consult on the right product which is very different for each client ultimately encouraging profit and business growth year after year. Refresh Now has over 18 years of experience within the industry and with the strength of our client portfolio, we can negotiate some of the best energy trade prices for you.
We work in partnership with all our UK wide clients and make sure that we pass on all our knowledge following industry predictions and market trends.
Our commitment and service to you is on-going. With a UK based office, you will never be left on hold. Our UK based team of experts can answer your queries at any time.
At Refresh Now we understand that your time is precious, we take away all the hassle of constant administration, constant chasing of suppliers and you trying to coordinate the best annual rates for your business every year – we do all of that for you across as many energy and utility bills as you desire with our focus on achieving the biggest saving possible and ongoing account management.
Our service specialist areas include: gas, electricity, water and broadband.
The next step would be to run a simple costing exercise, in a live market to see what we can achieve for your business.
Just a few simple steps:
We would ask you to sign a letter of authority so that Refresh Now can gather the correct information on your behalf for your onsite consumption.
To provide Refresh Now with addresses and the current energy supplier for your business properties.
We will then go to market and negotiate contracts, rates and commercial terms for your business.
Once we have all the appropriate information we will present our findings back to you providing specialist advice and solutions.
All of this work is done for you with a no obligation and no fee attached, our financial agreement is with the energy supplier.
Contact us if you would like a free consultation on any of our services including energy procurement, energy efficiency or if you’re interested in your business benefitting from going green.